The BBC Micro: bit is a small, programmable microcontroller designed for education and experimentation in electronics and coding. Here are some key points about it:
- Compact Size: It’s a small board, about the size of a credit card, making it portable and easy to handle.
- Built-in Sensors: It has built-in sensors like an accelerometer (detecting motion and tilt) and a magnetometer (detecting magnetic fields).
- LED Display: It features a 5×5 LED matrix that can display letters, numbers, and simple graphics.
- Buttons: The micro:bit has two programmable buttons (A and B) for user interaction.
- Connectivity: It supports Bluetooth, allowing it to connect to other devices wirelessly.
- Ease of Programming: You can program the micro:bit using block-based coding (via the MakeCode editor) or text-based languages like JavaScript or Python.
- GPIO Pins: The micro:bit has several GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins, allowing users to connect external components like motors, sensors, and LEDs.
- Educational Tool: It’s widely used in schools to teach students programming, electronics, and problem-solving skills.
- Battery Powered: It can be powered by a battery pack or via USB.
- Open Source: The hardware and software are open-source, allowing for creativity and customization.